Faith and Fellowship Book Festival

It all started with a simple conversation . . .
In 2016, authors Cindy Thomson and Yolonda Tonette Sanders were sitting next to each other at the book festival where they first met a few years earlier. The 2016 Presidential Election was only a few weeks away and unlike many of the conversations happening around them, neither author wanted to talk politics. So, they talked books and festivals, each sharing her idea about an event where Christian authors and readers could come together in fellowship to celebrate works that honored God. With similar visions, Cindy and Yolonda realized that they had something else in common — neither woman had tried to move forward because each didn't know where to begin. Thus, they decided to join forces and not know what they were doing together.
In the weeks immediately following their conversation, the women got busy, emailing and planning this endeavor. They were blessed to have many supporters jump on board such as their pastors, the bookseller, and authors who quickly signed up to be at this event. Two women who didn't know what they were doing began this journey by faith, taking one step at a time, believing God would help put all the pieces in place. And He did.
The Faith and Fellowship Book Festival seeks to do something that no other festival has done — focus only on Christ-centered works. Cindy and Yolonda have enjoyed their time at other festivals and hold nothing against them. They simply want the work of their hands to glorify God. The authors who will be at the FFBF have varied genres of fiction and nonfiction, but all books meet the objective of the festival founders. At the end of the day, may readers find their lives enriched by the auhors' words.